Saturday, January 16, 2010

Dolby Surround Sound System What Is The Best Film To Watch In A Home Theatre Surround Sound?

What is the best film to watch in a home theatre surround sound? - dolby surround sound system

I have a surround sound system. I know most movies are 5.1) surround sound (Dolby, but I was wondering ... The film makes the best use of them?


OhSimons... said...

Star Wars, Luke is the ultimate sound-geek

B-Rad said...

King Kong, very long, and that's good!

safcian said...

I agree with the action and sci-fi ...... Independence Day should be good.
Also, remember that depending on the size of the room and the position of President, what you hear, not the same as another person, ..... s system, you take a look at the settings and you'll find that you adjust the delay to the surround speakers, however small, can make a big difference in what you hear when you do the effect, but a distant rumble of Waiting Around "room" in the entire film, is used at 5.1 to enhance the "moment" on film.

groundho... said...

Mel Gibson's "We Were Soldiers," will test ur neighbors patients or Saving Private Ryan. I'm not a big fan of James Bond making Bond films, but good use of the environment. Lord of the Rings is very good, like all the Star Wars movies. Even if u look u can website you show DVD `s to buy ur surround speakers, but there are many, many films that have very good use of surround speakers to Ur and doesn` t necessarily war films

jonova20... said...

try to Terminator 2 and The Incredibles?

magu2k said...

Star Wars 1.3 is good.
War Of The Worlds
Saving Private Ryan
Lord of the Rings (Spa Retorno del Rey)
The Matrix (all 3 I think, but especially the first one)

Dave said...

Saving Private Ryan, Pearl Harbor, the bodyguard, which is U-Bahn, The Decent Block Party, these are just a few I can think of a good surround sound

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